This new constitution have the same essential points, but it also includes news, as the obligation to vote, the fair elections and fair condition of work, the right to vote for women, and the obligation of free education. This new structure of state wants to satisfy the economic and social necessities of the state.
Vargas wanted to develop the interventionism of the state in economy, and so, he created the National Coffee Council and the Institutes of Sugar and Alcohol. With the interventionism he wanted to develop also the secondary sector, by transforming the industries and searching for new resources as oil, coal, electricity, iron and steel. He also made an approach to the new companies and improve the communication with entrepreneurs.
In this period, new parties arise, as the Communist Party or the National Liberator Alliance, with big influence of the european fascism. The last one made a manifest claiming the resign of Vargas, but the govern intervened and declared illegal this party, decreasing its power.
In 1937, before the elections of 1938, the govern claimed that a communist plan emerged in Brazil, most known as Cohen´s Plan, putting in danger Vargas´govern. With this instability, Vargas decided to make a military coup and begin the period known as Estado Novo.
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