viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

The military regime

This military regime would last for two decades from 1964 to 1985. Several presidents ruled during this period and the governments were formed by military and civil members. Since it was a military dictatorship they would censor all types of opposition and people related with the ilegal communist party.

In terms of economic measures a growth was experienced mainly because some important companies were nationalised and made public. When Dilma Rousseff achieved the presidency in 2011 investigations were made and it was found that 434 people had died just for being part of the dissident movement against the regime. At the beginning of the regime, military rulers were popular among the population because of the social economic measures applied. 

In 1967 a Constitution was created which,indeed, changed the military regime. Indirect elections were implied in which citizens could vote candidates to be part of the government of the nation and other public charges. 

During this period, very important companies were created that helped the brazilian economy to grow. In 1961 TAM, the biggest airline in South America was created and also mining companies like VALE to exploit all the mineral resources that the country has. the county of Rio Grande is a very rich territory on coal. Other natural resources like wood were exploited. This is nowadays regulated.

You can find more information about Brazil's history in this article:

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